It’s a good news/bad news thing…

The good news is that I am going to mix in some stuff with all the pictures of Maui… mostly redoing old posts that most of you haven’t seen, and maybe some other stuff, like some more of my silly Tweets… The bad news is that I just uploaded all the pictures that my wife’s brother sent me… so… lots of underwater pictures from the little Go Pro camera we borrowed from them… along with some other stuff… so… uh…

In the meantime, while I organize the new pictures, here is another of my very early posts…

It was called:


I before we, except after me…

That is my motto. This is the self-centered mind-set of an artist. Ladies, you should all date an artist at least once… (particularly a guitar player… just saying)… but for heaven’s sake, don’t ever marry one!

The truth is, even I am getting tired of hearing me talk about myself… I know, I can’t believe it either…

So let’s get back to talking about art. OK, obviously I mean my art, but it is a step in the right direction… sort of…

This is going way back to my early days as an artist, so judge me accordingly. Every artist with work hanging in the Louvre started off drawing stuff that his mom wasn’t even sure she wanted to stick up on the refrigerator, so to speak…

Here is a comic that I started that has a tie-in with the present. My brother, Jack, was a Tin Tin fan way back before the movie came to the big screen…

I notice that I signed it ‘Buzz Browne’, which is a nickname I picked up for a while when I was a teenager… never mind why…

You should check out the Tin Tin books. They are full of excitement and adventure and good family fun…

So far, this is nothing to write home about, but it is another step on the journey…

And that is as far as I got. Comics are a great way to practice your drawing, coloring, shading, and writing and story telling, all at the same time. You can also make copies, staple them together and give them to your kids or friends. Go ahead, write a storybook for your child. They will keep it forever, I bet.

We are in the home stretch of my early drawing stage. These are the last of the early works that I thought were worth keeping. These were all done on large pieces of paper, so I couldn’t scan the entire picture…

You can see the fold in the middle of that one. It would be more impressive if you could see the whole thing, but not by a lot… You can see how weak I was at shading, and the muscles are just plain lame, but the imagination is there…

Here is another alien landscape…

Again, nothing to rant about, but it interesting to note that I used a watercolor background, as well as in some of the details. The shiny towers of the alien city were done, if I remember correctly, with silver model paint. I was doing multimedia before I had ever heard the term… In fact, I don’t believe the term existed in the early 70’s… I would have to Google that…

I also played with charcoal and chalk, but not for very long…

That one seemed to be all about trying out shadows and shading, as well as light reflections. There are no wrong steps on this journey…

To finish up, here is a picture that I really wish you could see all of. I called it ‘Amsterdam reflections’ and it was loosely based on a photo I saw in National Geographic magazine. The photo showed the distinctive buildings of Amsterdam reflected in the water of a canal…

Wow, that really sort of takes me back to when I visited Amsterdam when I was a little older… The buildings looked like that to me, and I am not talking about their reflections, either… But never mind…

Thank you for bearing with me, for having patience, and for trusting that we are building to bigger and better things as we go…

I plan to do this blog for a long, long time…

About pouringmyartout

You will laugh at my antics... That is my solemn promise to you... Or your money back... Stop on by...
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46 Responses to It’s a good news/bad news thing…

  1. benzeknees says:

    Oh, no – not a long, long time!

  2. hastywords says:

    Impressed even more than I normally am.

  3. I can’t believe you left me hanging on that comic. I read every frame and now I will never know what happened.

  4. stephrogers says:

    Amsterdam was my favourite. I second the thing about guitar players. You’re spot on with that (see what I did there?)

  5. joehoover says:

    I love the Amsterdam one, it brings back so many memories. Don’t know why I haven’t been back in 10 years, it’s just a 40 minute flight away.

  6. Al says:

    Even at this early stage of your art, it is very good. The Tintin are excellent and very gripping. Did you ever finish the story? You may not like the dragon one, but it is still far superior than anything I could do. The little clear balls are good. You can see that they are clear, and the reflections of Amsterdam is very wibbly. They are great

  7. I just got back from vacation, and apparently I took 472 pictures. That is not an exaggeration. And that doesn’t include the pictures I took with my wife’s phone.

  8. Al says:

    Yeah I heard Amsterdam can do that to ya 😉

    I will read this post properly in the morning (hopefully you will comment in a couple of hours so that it will remind me as I am crap with remembering … something or other)

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