Feety jammies… Part 6… the final chapter…

Oh, I know some of you are sick of all this talk about feety jammies… even the adorable ones my brothers and I got for Christmas, which started this whole thing… But I now have a new theory;

If we all wore feety jammies all the time, the world would be a better place!

a 3Would Dick Cheney have gone around starting wars and listening to his fellow American’s private phone calls and torturing people and shooting people in the face if he was in some warm, comfy feety jammies? Well of course he would have. That guy is a Dick! So maybe I should have picked someone else to try to prove my theory.

How about Nazis?

a 1Would the Nazis have caused all that trouble back in the 1940’s? No! Because nobody is going to go marching off and invade another country dressed like that. They would just look silly. See, you are starting to come around. My idea is making some sense… (Okay, maybe not, but if you work with me it makes my job so much easier)…

So everybody invest in some feety jammies today. It might not fix our bad world leaders, but it will make it hard for them to get anything nasty done. Because nobody wants to be nasty when they are wearing feety jammies, and they will not have anyone to do the dirty work for them,.

About pouringmyartout

You will laugh at my antics... That is my solemn promise to you... Or your money back... Stop on by...
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4 Responses to Feety jammies… Part 6… the final chapter…

  1. benzeknees says:

    Could we please stop with the footy pyjamas thing now? They’re cute, but enough now. IMHO

  2. Anonymous says:

    Could we please take up a collection and make sure every single blessed one of the people registered as a Republican get a pair of footed pjs then asap please and thank you very muchly? Maybe that would make them feel all warm and cozy inside and less interested in being so Cheney-like and all. I do agree that with him it more than likely would not have helped, but perhaps it would with a lot of the rest of them. Oooooo! Just got an idea! How about the entire Fox network in footie pjs? And all the congressional and state bigwigs? Can’t you just see Christie and Perry and Boehner and Paul? As far as I am concerned sir, a person can not have too many pictures of footie pj’ed people…just like a person can not have too many pictures of Willie as he progresses thru his first year of life…or sunsets… Keep up the good work.

    • I like all of that except for the part about Christie in the jammies. I could never get that image out of my mind. I am here to make people laugh. Maybe shudder now and then. Not projectile vomit their breakfasts.

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