Feety jammies… Part 5… A slumber party in a galaxy far, far away…

a 1 copyYesterday I told you the secret for getting celebrities to respond to you on Twitter.

Today I am going to share an even bigger secret with you. It is one of those things, like many of the important things in life, that isn’t really a secret, but is in fact deceptively simple and obvious. So obvious that I have just been working on the assumption that you were already doing it. But just in case a few of you haven’t been doing it, I am going to tell you what this secret non-secret is.

In order to fully enjoy my weird view of the universe, you have to do some of the work yourself.

Yes, I know this makes me sound pompous and full of myself. But just bear with me and let me try to talk myself out of the hole I just dug.

This is all about imagination. When you read a book, how far do you let yourself sink into that reality? I go so far in that if someone speaks to me, it is like I am coming out of a deep sleep, or rising from the bottom of the ocean. I am literally traveling from another world back to this one. Those of you who bothered to read any of my novel probably figured out that the world I created and wrote about is as real to me as this one we all share. I know those characters. Not just what they are doing in any given part of a scene they are in. I know what they did all that day. They are real to me. I carry on conversations with them. I still do that, and I finished the damn book… (I am going to do a sequel, so I can’t let them out of my head yet)…

So I guess what I am saying is that when you look at one of these silly little Photoshop pictures of mine, you can just say to yourself, okay, that is sort of funny. Or you can do what I do while I am creating them. Immerse yourself. Get sucked into the world.

While I worked on the picture above, I knew I could only do a random assortment of the characters from the Star Wars reality. But inside my strange little universe of a brain, I was actually at this slumber party. And it freekin’ rocked. All the characters in all the movies were there. It was the most fun I had in my head all morning. It went a little like this;

Darth Vader kept saying to Luke; “Luke, I am your father… now brush your teeth.”

There were little Ewoks in feety jammies running all over the place and climbing on things.

I don’t even want to tell you the condition that Chewy left the bathroom in. The shower drain was totally plugged with hair, and the toilet… oh man…

Somebody cut up the brownies with a light sabre, and the kitchen table ended up in two pieces.

Imperial storm troopers got into a pillow fight with a bunch of droids.

And at bed time, Obi Wan kept going around to everyone, waving his fingers, and saying, “This is not the bed you are looking for.” So he got to sleep in the big bed.

About pouringmyartout

You will laugh at my antics... That is my solemn promise to you... Or your money back... Stop on by...
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6 Responses to Feety jammies… Part 5… A slumber party in a galaxy far, far away…

  1. Anonymous says:

    Oh man…here’s ANOTHER sleepless night for me! LOL. But sooooo worth it. You know, you would have made a most excellent skit writer for Benny Hill and/or Monty Python. Sure wish they were still on, both for your sake and mine.

  2. Trent Lewin says:

    Well what you need to do is make a tv show of the plays going on in your mind. Your alternate realities sound totally twisted, and fun. Awesome post, love me some Star Wars enhanced by wacko pyjamas.

  3. Wulfie says:

    lol Now THAT’S a pajama party I’d have attended!

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