Willy week… part 7…

Showing little Willy as Steamboat Willy has got me to thinking about all those famous Williams, Willys, Willies and Bills.

He could grow up to own a candy factory.

Or a famous musician.

Maybe he will play sports.

Okay, he probably will not grow up to be a famous killer whale that they make a movie about, but you never really know, do you?

About pouringmyartout

You will laugh at my antics... That is my solemn promise to you... Or your money back... Stop on by...
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18 Responses to Willy week… part 7…

  1. joehoover says:

    Wonder what Willy will think looking back at these in years to come?

  2. Mooselicker says:

    Or maybe this one is funnier. I don’t know. Seeing a baby’s face on a man’s body is just too great.

  3. This cracks me up! My favorite is the Willy Wonka photo.

  4. Trent Lewin says:

    This is wicked weird. I like it. New Orleans is Sinking man, and I don’t wanna swim. You should check out Tragically Hip’s killerwhaletank version of that song, it’s an awesome telling of a killer whale weirdness. Whale doesn’t have a kid’s head, but you can’t have everything. And how dare you do this to the Say Hey Kid! 660 taters must be respected, man!

    • I am not following with the 660 taters thing? What did I miss?

      • Trent Lewin says:

        Come on… a tater’s a homerun, and that’s how many Mr. Mays hit in his career. He is number 4 on the all-time list, although if you remove the cheaters (we’re talking about you Barry Bonds), Willie Mays is still number 3 on the list, behind Hank Aaron and Babe Ruth. If you remove other cheaters from the list (hey Alex Rodriguez and Sammy Sosa), Willie is only the 3rd player to finish off in the 600’s in homeruns, the others being the retired Ken Griffey Jr. and the still amazingly-active Jim Thome. Sorry about the ramble – baseball is my bread and butter and often my Nutella too.

  5. Anonymous says:

    You are on a roll! You are absolutely sizzling! What will he or won’t he be next??? Don’t forget to print these out, laminate them and put them in a notebook for him as keepsakes. They are awesome. And just by the by…you are definitely making me crave a deep sniff of sweet new baby smell. Beats the heck out of new car smell any day doesn’t it?

  6. Bruce Ruston says:

    the first one is my favorite 🙂

  7. Tammy says:

    Willie Nelson is creepy… LOL

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