Even more things I would do to make my wife smile…

Yes, if I could figure out a way to do it, I would grow an extra head. That way, even when I was blogging, or reading, or watching TV, I would still be able to listen to her when she talks to me. At least that is the theory. And if that made her smile, I would be sure not to miss it!

I would tattoo myself purple… all over… if it would make her smile. I guess I could try it with dye first. Because that would really hurt.

At first I thought that green spots would add to the charm of this idea, but this little test seems to indicate that the colors might clash just a little… (Once again, you can see why Photoshop is such a useful thing to have in your life. Imagine if I had just rushed out and actually gotten tattooed without doing a test first)…

Once again, I am not positive that my wife would think this is a good idea, but if it would make her smile, I would have a mini-me clone of myself made so she could take me with her wherever she goes. Little me could sit on her desk at work and keep her company. He could go all those places that I can’t go for one reason or another. The only problem with this idea is that if it makes her smile, she would be smiling at the other me, and I am not sure if that still counts. I have to think about that one before I proceed with the process.

About pouringmyartout

You will laugh at my antics... That is my solemn promise to you... Or your money back... Stop on by...
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9 Responses to Even more things I would do to make my wife smile…

  1. elroyjones says:

    Great photo and terrific dress. She looks gorgeous!

  2. Trent Lewin says:

    K, now you’re just getting really weird. The two heads thing freaks me out. I kinda like the mini-me one though.

  3. thecheekydiva says:

    I wish Mrs. Arthur would leave a comment so we could see what she thinks of all these great ideas.

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