A strange place to stick a Dick… Part 3

I figured that since I already used these people in my last series, I would give the old Dick a try with them…

Nope… That didn’t work. No matter how beautifully he sang those love songs, woman were not going to be tossing their panties or room keys onto the stage.

Not even if he rocked it like Steven Tyler of Aerosmith.

He might get away with being Albert Einstein, but he lacks the cuteness of that sweet old man.

He does, however, make an absolutely superb Adolf Hitler… or Adolf Cheney… or Dick Hitler…

Now don’t think that this is my best Photoshop work. I am just slapping these together in a few minutes for your entertainment, just so you know.

About pouringmyartout

You will laugh at my antics... That is my solemn promise to you... Or your money back... Stop on by...
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12 Responses to A strange place to stick a Dick… Part 3

  1. kayennepeppa says:

    Did you notice,while making this, that his face on steven tyler is almost a spitting image of ozzy osbourne? Maybe I’m just mental. . .

  2. Dick Hitler! I almost did a spit take!

  3. elroyjones says:

    Yeah, Dick Hitler, that’s the ticket!

  4. Michael Wood says:

    Oh, wow, that Hitler one’s a little unnerving..

  5. Well a few minutes of effort made for some great results! Except now I’m going to have nightmares about Dick Cheney singing “Are You Lonesome Tonight?” to me *shudder*

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