An open letter to ISIS… or, as I like to think of you, and all due respect to George Clooney here, the men who sleep with goats…

Dear ISIS, you petulant, spoiled, obnoxious little baby-men…

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Islam was once renowned for its tolerance of other religions and open-mindedness, as well the beauty of its architecture, its culture and its interest in education and learning. So what the hell happened to you guys? Why do fundamentalists always think their god is going to give them extra bonus points for blind exuberance and mindlessly getting carried away?

Yes, you are supposed to convert the infidel… with words. Your religion asks you to be thoughtful and contemplate the wisdom of its message. It asks you to convince others of the truth of these messages. Converting people is the challenge. If you kill them, you lose your chance to do that. You are lazy and stupid and you are taking the cowards way out. Because it might take living side by side with unbelievers for decades, and engaging them in conversation, and listening to their viewpoints, and expressing the value of the words you say you believe in.

But you can’t do that because you aren’t that bright. Why? Because you now reject the very education that Islam was once famous for. And you are impatient… which indicates that you do not have enough faith in your faith to win a war of idea and words. You see the irony here, right? Well, probably not, which is a shame.

Somewhere along the line, you decided to listen to the holy men who preach a religion of hatred and violence. But there are other holy men out there that are telling you to spread the word by other means. You made a choice. It is the wrong choice. Someday you will meet your god, and he will gaze upon you with pity and sorrow, and you will know that you let him down. When there is a moral choice to be made between violence and peace, and you choose violence, it says more about your character than it does about your religion. It shows that you are unable to see the words of love and joy and sharing and caring and see only the words that feed your hatred and small-mindedness. When there is a choice between peace and violence, it is better not to do anything that is irrevocable. When you stand before your god, it is better to have to explain that you may not have converted many infidels, but that you were a man of peace and did all you could to spread his words, than to explain why you thought cutting the heads off unarmed, non combatant prisoners, or blowing up school children seemed like such a good idea at the time.

I hope you do get your virgins in paradise. I hope they are all the victims of your violence during this life, and in the next life, they are the ones with the power and the strength. The sad truth, from my perspective, is that they are probably all better people than you, and will decide not to extract their revenge. If this is the case, my next most fervent wish is that you all live for eternity feeling the shame of what you did in the name of your god, and know forever that in your zeal and thoughtlessness, you caused him anguish.

About pouringmyartout

You will laugh at my antics... That is my solemn promise to you... Or your money back... Stop on by...
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23 Responses to An open letter to ISIS… or, as I like to think of you, and all due respect to George Clooney here, the men who sleep with goats…

  1. The fact that these extremists full of hate and who murder men, women and children with ease and no apparent conscience… somehow recruit those from other countries like U.S; Canada, France etc. etc. who have not experienced that kind of hatred for the most part, and yet feel the need to join and participate in these heinous acts…. I suppose evil is in the heart and mind, no matter where one is born….. Diane

  2. but I don’t want to die…

  3. You’re most eloquent words.

  4. benzeknees says:

    Reblogged this on benzeknees and commented:
    Unfortunately, this kind of post could get you killed in certain circles, as evidenced by the debacle at Charlie Hebron in France yesterday. This is why I thought it was so important to re-blog this!

  5. PsiFiGal says:

    Wow, what a deep thinker you are! Excellent post Art!

  6. julie says:

    That was beautiful Art. It is a shame that those violent are creating such fear and havoc. I wouldn’t make a good convert, I can’t wrap my brain around the violence. And can’t believe there is a god anywhere that would approve.

  7. welshyb says:

    Reblogged this on Facing Reality.

  8. Great post, Art! Well said. 🙂

  9. Doobster418 says:

    Actually, Art, that was excellent.

  10. Okay. I burst out laughing at that first picture of the baby men. Priceless.

  11. Jami says:

    “Dear ISIS, you petulant, spoiled, obnoxious little baby-men…”

    I don’t think I’ve ever loved the greeting of an open letter so much.

  12. Paul says:

    Umm, that was eloquent Art. Art, Art? Where’s Art? What have you done with Art?

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