Horses… part 1…

I got to go riding again this weekend.

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That is Whiskey, my new buddy. I wish I could tell the whole story. It involves a guy who recently started working at the company where my wife works… and by pure coincidence, she found out that he is really good friends with the brother of a really good friend of ours… and he has a wife who is a model and is involved in a TV show I can’t mention either…

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And somehow, the subject of horses came up at work, and my wife mentioned how I make her stop the car in the middle of the road so I can get out and pet horses because that is how much I love them… and it turns out that they have two horses…

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That is Prince, the horse my wife rode.

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Prince and Whiskey are both thoroughbred race horses. In fact, one of them is related to Secretariat, the most famous racehorse ever. They are a little skittish and hard to handle because they want to run.

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It’s funny how it looks like that horse is too small for me, because that horse is really tall. I am just that big.

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Always curry and brush your horse after riding if you are given the chance. It is only fair. They lugged your ass around. Okay, I will be back later with some more pictures of other horses I met that day.




About pouringmyartout

You will laugh at my antics... That is my solemn promise to you... Or your money back... Stop on by...
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78 Responses to Horses… part 1…

  1. benzeknees says:

    Horses are pretty, but you’re right that horse looks like a pony with you on its back!

  2. joehoover says:

    Are we gonna get at least one picture with you in a cowboy hat atop a horse?

  3. joehoover says:

    Curry your horse after riding? These seems harsh AB. Just out of interest are we talking a Korma or spicing it up vindaloo style?

  4. msmonsterful says:

    Aw, you do look happy up there on that horse, Art. 🙂

  5. I have to say that you are the largest person I have ever seen sit on a Thoroughbred. My husband has worked in the Thoroughbred industry since 1975 (just so you know he is waaaaaaay older than me). We have owned our own Thoroughbreds for racing. Most of the people I see on them are what I call “the little people”. Whenever we go out to dinner with them we are always the giants in the crowd.

  6. hastywords says:

    You look great up on a horse. And happy too.

  7. longchaps2 says:

    Oh my, gorgeous horses. You ride like you were born to it. T-breds are the perfect size for you. A few more rides and you’ll be pulling out the jumps and putting ’em through their paces, lol. Keep the pictures coming.

  8. toad2014 says:

    A horse of course, do you remember Mr ed?

  9. Paul says:

    Whoa – that is one big honkin’ shot of Whiskey. Ha! You aren’t in the height challenged category either, are you Art?

  10. Julie says:

    I don’t think it is fair to “almost” name drop. Those horses are beauties all right! I rode a horse named Prince during an equestrian club weekend outing when I was in high school. Aren’t you glad I shared that with you?

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