My original song videos

These are all original songs… except the last one… that is called Breakin’ My Heart, and I borrowed it from Bad Company. I sing and play the guitar. I recorded all of these on a little digital recorder that I am not very good at using, so the sound could be better on some of these. And you will notice that there are double tracks of me playing the guitar and me singing along with myself.

The videos I just stuck together from pictures I found on Google, mixed in with pictures of me and some other weird stuff. I put the lyrics in most of these because that is the part that I am the most proud of.

The songs, in order, are;

Walls Of Stone

Perfect Dream

Lessons Never Learned

Wisdom, Passion and Pride

Keep Coming Back To You

Breakin’ My Heart… by Bad Company

109 Responses to My original song videos

  1. spartacus2030 says:

    Really rad man! Lol! Yup: “I just keep comin’ back to you” could actually be a hit. Your lyrics are all spot on! I once new a guy who looks and sounds just like you. We used to call him Chris Hippy. Now he goes by: “Crispy” because of his darkly tanned skin; unusual for the great white north. Greatness is in you!

  2. Tina says:

    Not too bad, I’ve always had a weakness for the ballads.

  3. Nurse Kelly says:

    Just listened to all of them getting ready for work. I told you I would! First one was my favorite. Nice, mellow music. Never stop expressing all of your unique talents. 🙂

  4. artourway says:

    Keep coming back to you, to hear you

  5. skymunki says:

    love the guitar, such a chill relaxing voice and music. very nice. 🙂 poetic lyrics too! i am well impressed good sir.

  6. I listened and liked and especially loved “I Just Keep Comin’ Back to You.” Love the tempo and the way the lyrics catch…so now you’re funny, witty and musically talented, that’s almost an illegal talent triumvirate!

  7. Trent Lewin says:

    Listened to wisdom passion and pride too. Gorgeous.

  8. Trent Lewin says:

    Just listened to Walls of Stone. Too good, man. You humble me.

  9. emma says:

    Ok. Is there anything you can’t do?

  10. 1jaded1 says:

    Walls of Stone and Perfect Dream are my favorites.

  11. Trent Lewin says:

    I listened to Keep Comin Back to You and Perfect Dream. You have a great voice. Your talents never fail to amaze me. I cannot do this.

  12. PsiFiGal says:

    I really like your songs, you know, you’re a natural poet. I love Perfect Dream especially, I’m such a romantic. I have one comment, NOT a criticism, I think you should try that song without the multiple voice tracks, it would be more emotional that way, like you as one person were singing to your love. Just my opinion, it’s a beautiful song either way.

  13. bruisedbelly says:

    Wow! And very cool. A super talent 🙂 Thank you so much, you have been my morning playlist.

  14. Pingback: THE STREAM | hastywords

  15. WilderSoul says:

    I like ‘Lessons never learned.” 🙂

  16. Brenda says:

    Wow. I’m not even sure what to think about all that Har+New stuff. I may just be tired. pouringmyartout, keep making music. I like it. Wow, what if you had more than one voice in your head? All talking and singing at the same time. It would be like my dinner table.

  17. Har+new says:

    Did you read your pathetic comment? It’s obvious you copied and pasted a spam comment from your own blog. If your “like” was a way for me to check your out lame blog I didn’t. Sure you get these cheap comments but they aren’t on your content which i will NEVER read lol just like I won’t read any reply you write back on your blog which explains why I’m leaving this comment in a different section. So “unlike” my posts because it was in vain. You won’t get a sub, “like”, only a cheap comment lmfao. Heat for the win!

    • ummm… I can’t tell if you really hate me or not… so either you are hands-down the best person at putting me in my place that I have ever run across, or you spent way too much time just to tell me what a dirtbag I must be. Either way, you’re right… you do win…
      But in my defense I did not copy that spam. I created it out of my own darkness and isolation, and my blog is not lame. I don’t say this out of false modesty, but rather because if I let you besmirch it in such a manner, it would be an insult to all the people who waste their time… uhhh… I mean spend their time here.

    • Seriously… you didn’t like my original songs at all… not one of them?

    • Also, while I am willing to admit that this joke was not funny the first time I did it, perhaps you will admit that if I could con enough people into doing it with me, it would freak some people out… to get a whole bunch of fake spam comments on their blog on the same day… that has to be worth something…

    • WordPress has disabled my new post button. They are upset about my little spam joke. They say they have concerns about the content of my blog. I get spam all the time from sites that sell nasty stuff. Do they shut them all down? Please let WordPress know that I am not evil. I need your help.

      • Dan says:

        Dear WordPress,

        I have known Arthur Browne “pouringmyartout” both personally & professionally for more than several years, and believe me when I tell you that he is nowhere near evil. There are several other unflattering adjectives that come to mind that may describe him… not the least of which is a twisted sense of humor… but who among us hasn’t stepped into that puddle on occasion?

        Seriously, this guy is about as “evil” as a cartoon.

        Give him his button back.

        Thank you,

        Daniel Kuhn

    • And I guess this means you did win… ha!

    • Dear Diary says:

      Here you go pouringmyartout – (not a spam byw) I think it’s pretty cool that you write all these songs regardless of the reason – whether out your own darkness and isolation or false modesty –
      At least you are using the gifts God has given you and sharing them with the world!!! keep it up!!

  18. Jean says:

    Wisdom, Passion and Pride is a beautiful tribute to your love.

  19. So here’s another question I have, how do you upload video’s on here and also to You Tube? See you know more than you think! I’m glad I’m your best friend 😉 (first video)

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